
Django on Kubernetes

Django on Kubernetes

This is part 2 of our Kubernetes hackday series. Part 1 goes over how we spent the day and what the goals and motivations are.

For part 2, we're going to delve into the architecture required for running a Django application on Kubernetes, as well as some of the tooling we used to assist us.
This post will assume some knowledge with deploying and operating a production web application. I'm not going to spend much time going over the terminology that Kubernetes uses either. What I hope to do in this post is present enough information to kickstart your own migration. Kubernetes is big - and knowing what to research now and what to put off until later is really tricky.
I'm also going to describe this deployment in terms of Amazon EKS simply because I was on the EKS team, and most of our applications are already on AWS.

All Hands on Deck - Kubernetes Hackday (Part 1)

On the 5th of November 2018, the IT team at Kogan.com started another hackday. This time, we set our goal on learning Kubernetes. We wanted to answer the question; how exactly can we leverage container orchestration to make our deployment process faster and more efficient?

In order to achieve our goal, we set out to deploy one of our major apps that controls customer subscription preferences with Kubernetes on two different cloud providers, Google Cloud Platform (GCP GKE) and Amazon Web Services (AWS EKS). By doing this, we hoped we could understand the pros and cons of each platform, while learning the intricacies of Kubernetes deployment at the same time.

This will be a two part blog series. The first part will be a short overview of our motivation, goals, as well as how the day actually unfolded. The second part will be more technical, focus on the approaches of the two teams, and discuss the pros and cons of each platform.